L – Literacy is the power to transform the world,       A solution for the problems that whirled.     

I – In the miseries of life, it provides refuge, It shapes a nation, making it grow huge.     

T – Those who were denied fought hard, Breaking free from the shackles,society had in their regard.

E – Emerging literate from a background of poverty, BR Ambedkar fought for literacy in every community.

R – Reading and writing are the basis for education, While literacy is the basis of a strong foundation.

A – Aspirations, dreams and fantasies can be fulfilled, As the power wielded by the pen, cannot be rivalled.

C – Casting a spell on our lives, the words on the page fly, Each author says something unique, whether a tale or just a goodbye 

Y – Yearning to learn, will always stand you in good stead, As literacy will be your wings, while you fly ahead.

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