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Birthday Wishes for Dr. Philomena

Oh what a wonderful occasion it is,                                                                     So much contentment, enjoyment and bliss.

You are a formidable force to reckon with,  You're a hero , just out of a Greek myth. 

We wish you the most memorable of birthdays, Hope you keep inspiring us to take unique pathways.
Ma'am we respect, cherish and love you,  As you're a true paragon of virtue. 

Though we aren't there in person to wish, Our heartfelt efforts will surely reach you with a flourish. 

Thank you for being such a luminary,   Thank you for being such a visionary.

Waiting for Godot 

Wait , wait , wait wait , how long do we wait 
Wait wait wait wait ,We bear this heavy weight 
For Godot , we wait wait 
Godot comes , it will be great 
It seems like endless delay 
Like preparing a buffet( Chorus ) 
Wait is frustrating
Like waiting for milk boiling 
When we'll be free 
I need toffee 
We are dancing like crazy 
Eyes sleepy and hazy 

Singing out of tone Godot is unknown 
Waiting is hard  It's a clumsy art 
Please end this wait Why is godot late ?

Wait is a confusing maze We're crazy and in daze 
wait is supposed to end
Like a milkshake should blend (x2)
Is Godot a friend or foe ?Don't you step on my toe ! (×3)

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